VACANCY TITLESHIPPING, TRADING OPERATIONS & CHARTERING SUPERVISORDEPARTMENTOPERATIONSDESCRIPTION1. JOB IDENTIFICATION Job Title:Shipping, Trading Operations & Chartering SupervisorDIVISION/DEPARTMENT: Trading Operations and CharteringLOCATION: LAGOS2. ORGANISATIONAL RELATIONSHIPSDirectly Reports to: Head, Operations IndirectlyREPORTS TO: MANAGING DIRECTOR/CEO COOSUPERVISES: SHIPPING OPERATIONS OFFICER3. JOB SUMMARYThe primary function and responsibility of the Shipping, TradingOperations and Chartering Department is to charter high qualityvessels suitable for Oando S&T’s requirements. It is also theresponsibility and function of this Department to provide appropriatetimely and cost effective shipping and chartering strategy for thecompany. The position incumbent will manage commercial and operationalprocesses of taking vessels for spot and time-charter transactions.4. SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES StrategicEnsures that the executed marine charter transactions provide OandoS&T with the lowest possible freight costs meeting Oando S&T’soperational standards and requirements. ? Ensures the quality of allpetroleum products and ensure they are within DPR/SON Standardspecifications before they are imported or bought by the company.Operational ? Negotiates chartering transactions ? Co-ordinates withship brokers and other industry contacts to provide expertise insupport of Oando S&T’s business. ? Gathers, evaluates and maintainsmarket information in support of commercial requirements. ?Anticipates market direction and identifies trends. Proactivelysharing shipping market intelligence with other departments in theorganisation. ? Calculates voyage economics as necessary to evaluatecharter opportunities. ? Develops and maintains relationships withindustry counterparts including ship owners, charterers, DPR, PPPRAand brokers to facilitate and enhance Oando S&T’s business. ? Keepsall other departments of the organisation informed of significantissues and changes in the tanker market. ? Supervises demurrage claimspreparations and collection. ? Performs other assigned duties asdelegated by the COO and MD/CEO from time to time.5. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORSAdequacy and cost effectiveness of Shipping and Chartering supportprovided to all Traders. ? All Petroleum Product imports meet DPR/SONstandard specification ? Maximum and effective utilization of all TimeCharter vessels. ? Suitability of vessels chartered for eachtransaction. ? Provision of effective Trading Operations support6. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCEGood University Degree ? 2 -3 years experience within anorganization with extensive shipping operations and logisticsservices.7. KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS REQUIREDLocal and International Oil & Gas Industry Dynamics and WorldMarkets ? Chartering and post-fixture operational expertise ?Leadership/Supervisory skills ? Maritime Operations and Regulations ?Maritime and Shipping Logistics ? Basic Finance and Accounting ?Networking and Relationship Management ? Political Savvy ?Commercial/Negotiation ? Time Management ? Reporting ? Teamplaying ?Organisation/Administration ? Oral & Written Communication ? EffectivePresentationsDATE PUBLISHEDJUN 24, 2010CLOSING DATEJUL 12, 2010 CLICK LINK TO APPLY
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